A New Hole

The cup is only useful when it is empty. A few weeks ago, I noticed that I needed another hole in my belt; a new one, further along the belt. A year ago, I did not even need a belt for the pants I was wearing that day. They fit perfectly then, slim-fit khakis that …


Peppered sugar? honeyed bittersweet lips, furtive dances at our edges. Hearts skip beats, mine at imagined quiets, labored noises beautiful exertions. Together apart. Hot sweat on hot afternoon, hot insides, hot outsides. Stolen kisses, stolen lusts gladly given, taken. She remains, as do I, nothing changes, everything changes, better with time, or sorely missed? Sublime. …

How to be Happy and Productive

We live in a world that constantly emphasizes personal improvement and productivity. Like a good internet boy, I have decided to give my two cents on this by coming up with a simple guide, in easily digestible list form (listicle. See, like I said, good internet boy!), on how to be happy and get the …


I watched her, silhouetted black and white, against the dim light, the light from the windows, the light from a city busy with fantasies and fruition (or not. A city busy with delayed ambitions and withering hopes). Her back is turned to me, smooth and curved, all the way down to her hips. Maddening hips. Beautiful …