I’ve been in my head. I’d rather be inside you, beside you, with you. You’ve been in my head where increasingly is the only place you exist for me. Being with you through a screen is not good enough. I will put the phone down and you along with it.

Updates to Select Parts of The Lord’s Prayer

… Give us this day our daily bread, and the bakery too. And, forgive us our trespasses, as you give us the strength to not fuck up those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, But, Lord, even You You know You made us this way. Deliver us from evil, even as we …

One of the most scathing pieces of feedback I have ever received from a  line manager was, “Inability to maintain multi-level focus”. At the time, I was too emotional to consider if he had a point. I had just gone through a painful breakup and my grandfather had died, all within a month. I was …

Strategic Partnership

Generally-accepted definition A business partnership that involves the sharing of resources between two or more individuals or companies to help all involved succeed. Strategic partners are usually non-competing businesses and often share both the risks and rewards of the decisions of both companies. The goal of a strategic partnership is to create value for each …