Remember the Jumping Boy

As he frolics about and laughs without a care. When he runs and screams in joy And falls and cries and runs and screams again. There is no tomorrow, no yesterday.There is nothing but this, the jumping. And that is all we have, this, the present. There is no tomorrow and no yesterday. When you …

A Different Place

Coming back to the same place as a different person, Seeing different things the same way. It’s a different place and you’re the same person. Coming back to a different place as the same person, Seeing the same things differently. It’s the same place and you’re a different person. Coming back to a different person …

In anger

, everything we do seems justified, and justifiable: the cursing, the screaming, the coldness and aloofness, the general unbecoming behaviour we often exhibit in these tense moments. Our words seem to come from the bottom of hell’s well, and however well-intentioned they may be, they come across as pure bile. In that moment, we forget …

When Words Fail (Or Not)

We’re often unable to say the important things, our heart-felt truths, our wants and desires, our irks and vexations, especially when we’re doing our damndest to express ourselves. We know what we’d like to say, lucidly, yet bringing it out is a horrendous struggle. We hem and we haw, and uhm and erm, and we …

She… Except

She is soft where I’m hard, She is hard where I’m soft. Her lips taste of honey and pepper, Supple, moist and inviting. Temptation is her song, Lust is her rhythm And she resonates to my beating heart. When we’re together, nothing else matters. Except that we have work tomorrow and I shouldn’t be too …